We look forward to the cooperation with Eyes on Plastic and expect interesting outcomes: In particular, more insights in the quality and streams of litter on the Bekasi River. The data collected shall help to increase the efficiency of our collecting vessels and to thus optimize our cleaning actions.

“I am interested in technological solutions provided to detect plastics, so our collecting vessels are as efficient as possible in their missions. Our interest also lies in contributing to the pre-operational services by using our team in Indonesia and in Europe in the validation of the technology. Our first collecting vessel, the Mobula 8 in Bali will be an asset for this demonstration study.”

“For our clean-up-project in the metropolitan region Jakarta we use floating barriers to drive aquatic litter on to a conveyor belt and relieve the river from about 500 kg waste each day. With Eyes on Plastic we wish to monitor this polluted hotspot continuously and generate data about the amount of waste. The target is to evaluate the efficiency of our barriers and our collection solution.